Do you have an idea you’d like to turn into a business?
Every innovator needs a clear business idea and a compelling story to accelerate their path forward.
Having a problem to solve or a novel idea is an exciting start! The next step is to build your vision for how you will turn that idea into a business designed to create ongoing value. You’ll need a clear story about who you’re serving, how you’ll uniquely meet their needs, and how your business will work. That will motivate you and others to invest in your business.
This is where VUKA’s proven Business Design process can help you. It’s a logical and methodical approach that helps you holistically think through your business idea.
We believe your ideas deserve their best shot at success.
VUKA products provide you with the Business Design knowledge and tools that will help you bring clarity to your business idea and set an important foundation for deeper planning and your pitch.
Here are 3 ways VUKA can help you:
VUKA Works
A Business Design platform that guides you through the process of designing and de-risking your business idea
Our dynamic software will help you bring clarity to your business idea. It guides you through the process of building your business idea in a structured, step-by-step way.
VUKA Works asks you the critical questions, provides practical exercises and worksheets at each step, and allows you to capture your best thinking into a consolidated Story.
VUKA Business Design Accelerator
A self-paced learn-and-apply program
Our online accelerator is a great way to learn about Business Design. It explains why every step of designing your business idea is important, and how to tackle each of them.
When you sign up for the VUKA Business Design Accelerator, you have access to over 20 short videos on each step of the process on VUKA Works. It’s self-serve, so you can work through each step and design your business idea at your own pace.
Design Works
A comprehensive guidebook
Through a collection of inspiring stories about the proven principles and practices of Business Design and over 50 of the most popular methods, you can build your mastery of Business Design.
“Design Works covers a holistic approach to using design to create value in any organization. It expertly and clearly explains the principles of design thinking and connects them to the strategic direction of the enterprise, integrating ‘business’ and ‘design’.”
- Claudia B. Kotchka, Former Vice President, Procter & Gamble
VUKA Works helps all kinds of entrepreneurs and innovators, and those who support them.
Whether you have your own idea, support ambitious entrepreneurs in their quests, or invest in new ideas, VUKA can help you improve the odds of getting great ideas into the world.